Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Sweet as..

I'm going to let you all in on another one of my vices....I have the biggest sweet tooth. I love lollies. You might even say I'm addicted. I always have been since I can remember, spending all the money I got from my paper run when I was a kid on sweet treats at the dairy.

And not much has changed since those paper run days either. Whenever I go to Petone, I can not resist stopping in at the UK Goodies store and walking out with a bag full of delectable delights. The giant jars full of all sorts of different candies look so appealing, which always makes it harder not to ask for a few of everything.

Last time I was there I bought these pastel coloured freckles, which are the white chocolate version of the bright multi coloured dairy milk equivilent. I also got some of these pink and white mice. Aren't they cute!?
After I realised how aesthetically pleasing this combination was, I had to wait just a little longer to eat them (which i confess happened all in one sitting) while I photographed them to share with you. And by the way they were delicious! xx

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