Wednesday, 25 July 2012

An Afternoon in Heaven

While I was absent from the blogsphere, my sister Sarah came over from Australia to stay for a couple of weeks. We had so many good times as only sisters can do and I have been busting to share with you our one afternoon in heaven that we had the pleasure of experiencing while she was staying with me in Wellington.

To fully understand how much I enjoyed that afternoon, there are some things about me you have to know first. I love drinking tea and I love eating good food. I mean really love. I confess I do believe a cup of tea can only improve any situation. And who doesn't love food? I love learning about differnet types of food (like cheese for example, I'm a big cheese fan right here) and trying new flavours. Once you know these things, it comes to no suprise that for a long time I have been wanting to go to high tea at the Museum Hotel restaurant, Hippopotomas. Sarah coming to stay seemed the perfect oppurtunity.

I have been to other high teas before, so I knew what to expect; bottomless cups of tea and a high stacked tower of mini treats, but still I was blown away. The restaurant is French. The food is french, the head chef is french and all the wait staff are french. And they used this to their full advantage, their accents were so charming Sarah and I were instantly seduced. Add to that the glamour of the Hotel and Restaurant and we were feeling like we were pret-ty special. Sarah ordered Rosehip and hibiscus tea while I went for the Morrocan Mandarin. Both were so delicious I was more than happy to drink my six cups worth....And then comes the food. Sarah got here half gluten free which was an extra bonus. The bottom layer was savoury while the top two, as well as an additional plate that came out later, were all sweet (which I was extra happy about as I have an enormous sweet tooth).

I thought about going into detail about every mouth watering treat that they gave us, as I do whenever I retell this event to someone in person, but I thought maybe I'd spare you the hunger pains. Here's a brief list of what we were given; vegetable fritata, cucumber sandwhiches (a high tea essential), salmon and avacado tart, tuna, apple puff pastry, espresso, caramel and chocolate layered cake, chocolate nougat cup, almond cake, chocolate mousse and last but certainly not least, the iconic macaroon. Can you see why I died and floated willingly to heaven?

In short, the whole experience was flawless. The location, the service, the tea, the food and did I mention it only cost $30 each? Which is around about the standard $25 anyway. Plus Sarah and I had a voucher which brought it down to only $45 for the two of us. Bargin! Plus don't you just love these sugar cubes....xx.

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