Sunday, 28 October 2012

Many Good Things

Fashion is essentially about perception. It changes the way you look and think about things. Much like this cat. When I first saw the feline on the street I think I was shocked by its appearence, but now I actually find it quite adorable. Fashion has this effect on me all the time.
 Today is my tenth day of freedom since I finished the last of my assesments towards my degree. While I studied in those last few weeks and failed at keeping up with my own blog, I pretty much kept on top of reading everyone elses on my bloglovin feed. (Follow the link on the toolbar above to add me to your own reading list.) In doing so, maybe as a result of some effective procrastination, I managed to collect a good amount of inspiration. Inspiration for DIY projects as well as some pieces to add to my own wardrobe. And now that I am free to roam and hunt and create, let me tell you, many good things are happening......

Here's a sample of the inspiration I collected which should give you a sneak peak into what I've found and what I'm making. Unfortunately I'm in Whitianga again with not much internet plus I left my camera cord behind again!! But never fear I will be back in Welly this time next week and will upload all my new treasures....

  (Images found here, here, here, here, and here.)


Sunday, 14 October 2012

Almost There

I am so close to being free. In the next five days I will complete the final assessments of my degree. I'm sure at the end of it I'll have something more insightful to say, but for now it's just study, study study. The end is nigh peps, I can taste it...almost...just five more days, just five more days...

p.s. good luck to everyone else in their final days as well...we're almost there!! xx

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Will you always love me?

On Saturday I had another 21st to go to as well as making an appearence at a beer pong competition. I wanted to go for something completly different from Friday night and my friend Nicole recently mentioned wanting to attempt the popular bow bun. Feeling inspired I thought I'd give it a go myself....and these are the results...

I teamed my bow bun up with this second hand top that is just as striking. I love wearing such a bold block of colour like this one. Underneath I wore my chiffon shorts from Kmart. Having pockets for once on a night out was so handy! My necklace is an old gem from the childhood jewellary box and my shoes are the ones my sister sent me which I featured in an earlier post.

Top: Second hand
Shorts: Kmart
Necklace: From my Childhood
Shoes: From my Sister

As for my night, it was pretty good. Although the Beer Pong competition I went to was actually a dress up so I think a few people just thought I was playing along hahahahaha xx 

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

All I Ever Wanted

 This is what I wore to my flatmate Ella's 21st party on Friday night. I borrowed the dress from my friend Hannah. It was 100% silk and felt amazing to wear. I was so grateful to wear a dress that made me feel so good. My shoes I invested in for my own 21st and I always relish the right oppurtunity to whip them out. I also shoved a paper flower crown in my hair that I picked up for .70c from Sportsgirl in Australia and Bob's your uncle I was ready to go...

 The party was a lot of fun and the speeches were so good! It really was a treat to wear such a beautiful dress and I guess it proves the benefits of investing in quality. As for Ella, it was her real birthday today, so a big Happy Birthday to Ella and I hope you had a magical day xx

Dress: Madame Hawke (borrowed from my friend Hannah)
Shoes: Seventh Wonderland
Paper flower crown: SportsGirl
Clutch: Vintage from my Grandma

Friday, 28 September 2012

Friday Flowers

Here's a little something pretty to brighten up your day, I know they make me feel generally better anyway! And just incase these flowers don't do the trick, at least it's Friday!! May the weekend bring you many good things xx

Thursday, 27 September 2012

A Bit of Fun

  On the weekend my friend Lindsay J, who I introduced to you previously here, came down to Welly for three days to celebrate her 22nd birthday. On Saturday we caught up with some close friends from high school and had a good, good time. First things first, I made a reservation at the wrong restaurant so we had to go on the hunt for somewhere that had a table of six at peak time on a Saturday. Luckily we found one at Casablanca on Cambridge Terrace which is a super cute Morrocon BYO. So with bottles of wine in hand, we settled in for a feast.....

 After dinner we headed to Chow for two for one cocktails (brilliant idea for a Saturday). Needless to say it was a winner...

As Chow was closing up we decided to move on to El Horno, where unfortunately I took no photos because I was too busy having a good time! It was a successful night and Linz and I were photogenically on form, pretty much the whole time haha

  Until next time....xx

Thursday, 13 September 2012

With You in Mind

 What an interesting day of ups and downs it's been. The majority of the morning was spent stressing over how stressed I'm going to be in about a month from now when everything is due, but maybe I'll get everything done early and keep my cool.....yeah right. I also recently found out I can't have any gluten or dairy or SUGAR (?!!!?!) for the next few months which is making eating a challenge and putting a downer on things at times.

 But onto the outfit....the light was playing some serious tricks when I was taking these which didn't help but I'm pleased with the outcome anyway. I've been meaning to wear this lace shirt for ages, I picked it up from Glassons a few summers ago, right when lace was hitting the mainstream.I thought it paired well with my chiffon shorts from Kmart and I just had to show-off my new trench to you! I picked it up yesterday at a secondhand store for $4.50 which comes to no surprise except's Yves Saint Laurent! Woohoo yay go me whoop whoop. So stoked on this one (incase you couldn't tell) and the fabric is sooo soft.

What do you think? Have you made any thrifty purchases lately that you're dying to share??

Catch you on the flipside....xx

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

In the Wind, before the Rain

The first thing I thought today when I was looking at these photos was, my sister's going to hate this one! But hey, everyone's a critic and you can't please them all. To be honest though I'm not too happy how these turned out, with the wind blowing up every two seconds, but what do you guys think? In hindsight I probably wouldn't wear this cardigan with the dress again as it kinda just makes me look like a big rectangle, and not in a good way. Just an example I guess of  how you can really like a garment but you've got to match it up right. Here's some more pictures anyway and you can make up your own minds, I'd really love some feedback on this one!! xx

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Calling Spring

Calling Spring

Floral top, 63 NZD / Clog wedge / Marc by Marc Jacobs leather handbag, 775 NZD / Monki , 24 NZD / Karen Walker Eyewear cateye sunglasses, 350 NZD

Tried my hand at putting together something a little spring inspired. I love this poppy t-shirt dress...if only we had Topshop in NZ!! I've had my eye on this Monki cap for a while. I love the mix of textures with the grey felt and shiny peak. I've also been hooked on Karen Walker's most current collection, but these cat winged sunnies would cure my cravings for now. I just thought these platform sandals looked so cool but also practical and can't a girl dream about the perfect Marc Jacobs bag? Don't you think it just completes the outfit? And wouldn't it be ideal for Uni?? Ahhh *sigh* one day, when I win Big Wednesday.....until that happens, or my next post (probably more likely) stay lovely ladies xx

Monday, 3 September 2012

Making an effort

Sorry I've been a bit absent over the last week but we're on mid-semmester break at the mo. I've come home to Tauranga/Whitianga, and the internet is a bit hit and miss. I've been bogged down with the flu for most of the time I've been back, but I'm just shaking it off now. Although on Friday night I did have an extra special 21st to go to, so I took the chance to make a bit more of an effort.

 I loved wearing this dress. I bought it from an outlet store while I was in Australia in February. The bust is embrodied with an assortment of colourful beads that look like lollies and the skirt is full and hangs so nicely, I feel like a princess when I wear it (haha, a girl can still dream right?). My orange wedge sandals were so comfortable, I didn't notice my feet all night, which is how it should be! It felt special to wear something that was extra girly for the night.
The party was a great chance to catch up with friends. I had to make a speech which I was a bit nervous about, about it all went down a treat and it was a really fun night.
I'm travelling all around the place this week so no promises of posts, but I'll be back in Welly by Monday and I'll be back to routine then. Until next time..stay safe and sound xx

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Under the Weather

I'm glad the weekend is over (how often do you hear that?) and I was lucky to survive with all the work I had to do but it turns out it was a close call...I've been hit pretty heavy with the sick stick. Having a head cold is not amusing. The whole time I was doing my assignments I was busting to blog instead, but now that the work is temporarily out of the way I feel is that fair???

I tried to put on a smile for these photos anyway haha seems may attempt was a feeble one. I bought these leggings back a couple of weeks ago on sale at Glassons for a mere $12 yussss. I have a thing for exciting leggings. The fish tail t-shirt I picked up many many many moons ago while I was still in high school..probs 2008? Anyways it was on sale so I got it for not much even thoug it's Lower (a New Zealand skate brand). I added the waistcoat after a friend started playing dress-ups the other day with all of his, and I couln't resist pulling mine out after that :)

My necklace was a gift from my friend Grace for my birthday, also many moons ago. It's lost the pink stone it used to hold and the colour is starting to rub off, but that's only because I've had it for so long and I wear it so much! I like to think it gives me a lil strength, being a buddha and all, so I always wear it on the days I know I'll need a little push. Haha I'm a bit superstitious I know.

Anyway I'm going to go and feel sorry for myself for being sick for the rest of the evening, and I hope all of you are fit and healthy and not going through any of this nonsence like me!! Stock up on your vitamin C xx

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Good Things come in Packages

Yesterday was made extra special when I received this seemingly large package from my wonderful sister Sarah from Australia. I had been expecting it but I think that made it even more exciting because I had been looking foward to it for so long. And as I knew I would be, I was spoilt rotten by what was inside...

So much goodness! Where to start?! The wooden sandals were the reason for the package in the first place, as Sarah doesn't wear them enough and I was more than happy to take them off her hands. Watch out for them in outfit posts over the coming weeks.
The three perfume bottles I spotted in IKEA when I was visiting Sarah in February but I resisted from buying them mainly because I couldn't fit them in my suitcase, so I'm super excited to have been sent them now.
The candle in the goblet, the flower pot and the berry tealights are also all IKEA treats. I go through truck loads of tealights, as Sarah is well aware of, so they will be burnt up in no time and my room will be smelling delicious.
Speaking of smelling delicious, she also sent me 2 cakes of rose soap in beautiful packaging. Rose is one of my favourite smells and I can't wait to use the soap, although I'm keeping it pretty in it's box for now.
Lastly, Sarah packed in these super cute dishes in the shape of teapots. They're supposed to be for holding tea bags but I think I'll use them for holding my rings on instead!

Have any of you received any exciting packages in the mail recently?? I'll cross my fingers that there's one in the post for you.....xx

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Personal Touch

Going for complete practicality today, jeans and a tee-shirt and my converse. I wanted to focus this post on the jewelary I wore with my outfit today. I confess I am quite a centimental being. I cherish a personal meaning in the things I have which is one reason why I have so much stuff, I can never bring myself to throw anything out!!

I wore this locket today which was a special gift from my nana on my 21st birthday which as far as centimental value goes, makes this very prized in my collection. You can see it's double hinged as it opens on both sides so I can fit two photos in, whoopee! I haven't got round to cutting out two tiny photos yet, or even decided who I'd like to have hanging around my neck, but my nana suggested when she gave it to me that I put a photo of each of my boyfriends in there....good one nana, but probably won't be going for that option haha.

 The other extra special thing I flashed around today is my charm bracelet. I've been given charms by various loved ones since before I was ten and they each having their own meaning behind them.

This teapot is one of my favs. It actually opens too! I love wearing things that have a meaning behind them or are special because of who you got them from. I feel like I'm carrying a piece of the person around with me for the day.

Have you guys got anything you wear that has extra centimental value added to it?? Do you like the idea of charm bracelets and heirlooms?? xx

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Some of my Mother's Pearls

Shirt:Vintage, Knit:Ottomode, Skirt:dotti, Shoes:rubi shoes
Turns out my parents had a tripod hidden away at home so I acquired it when I was there on the weekend, therefore my outfit posts are back in action!! In other exciting news when we were having a massive cleanout during the mid-year break, I gained possesion of this set of three thin threaded pearls (trying saying that ten times!) that used to be my mum's.

Finding treasures like this are always sooo satisfying!! Have you guys found anything in your parents closets lately that you've taken for your own???

make a gif at

And after I took these photos I couldn't resist making a gif.! What do you think?? I'm thinking it's pretty humourous....Happy Tuesday peps xx